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Avian / Avian Rehome / Avian Rescue / Birds / Dedication / Nature / Parrots / Photography


Some of you may have watched the recent show aired on PBS, “Parrot Confidential.”  For some it was the first time they saw into the world that is “Avian.”  For others, it merely confirmed, in some ways, the current plight of the domestic and wild parrot population.

I have been fortunate to share my home with an Umbrella Cockatoo for 12 years.  I was one that plunged into the world that is “Parrot” with absolutely no knowledge of what my life would be like sharing a home with a Parrot.  Fortunately, I learned how to share my home with a parrot, and my life has been richer and fuller for it!  It has not always been easy, nor has it been “Days of Wine and Roses”, but it has been amazing!

I have grown to know a many wonderful individuals, both from the breeding side, and from the rescue and re-home side of this world.  Do we always agree?  I would answer that with an emphatic NO!  I can say, without hesitation, these people all love these amazing creatures, despite differences of opinion surrounding care, health, nutrition and behavior.

I was fortunate to meet Tony Sanchez at a convention several years ago.  If you do not know of him or his work, I encourage you to visit his website as he is an artist whose ability, love and passion cannot be questioned or doubted.  No matter his subject, he captures it with amazing clarity and insight (www.tonysanchezart.com).

Tony created the amazing art pictured in this blog after I flooded him with nearly 400 pictures taken at Miss Vicki’s Parrot Village located near Atlanta, Georgia (www.ParrotVillage.org).

The birds pictured in this artwork represent only a few of the dear birds waiting for a home while benefiting from the love and care given at Miss Vicki’s.Organic Entry

I hope you enjoy the artwork, and take time to visit both Tony’s website, as well as Miss Vicki’s.



  1. Tony Sánchez says

    Dear Janet,

    It has been a very interesting project of the organization of Miss Vicki’s, and we have worked on it selflessly, trying to help parrots in this way. You are a very generous person! Thanks a million for this wonderful words! 🙂

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